Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hair today. Gone tomorrow

Stress can do crazy things to our mind and body. Some people claim it makes them eat copious amounts of chocolate, others claim it leads to insomnia, still others blame stress for the fact that they just dropped two hundred bones on a pair of sunglasses (when they happen to have about thirty pairs in a drawer by the bed). Although, I tend to agree with all of these issues (especially, the sunglasses), I came to the conclusion that stress MAY be causing my hair to fall out (and the thought that I may be bald long before I possess cellulite on my upper thighs only stresses me out more). So, I did what every good female does when presented with a horrifying problem of disastrous proportions: I blamed my thyroid.

Yes, I went to the doctor Monday morning and saw my new (and insanely good looking) practioner, and waited for him while I nervously glanced at my watch every thirty seconds (let’s be honest, I REALLY didn’t have time for a doctor’s visit this week). He came in, and did the normal interview routine. He asked me how much caffeine I drank in a normal day. I lied and responded only four cups. He asked me how many alcoholic drinks I consume in a week. I lied and told him only four drinks. He asked me how much sleep I get in an average night. I told him the truth and responded four hours. The doc looked at me, patted me on the head, and said. “Any history of thyroid disease in your family?” To which I replied, “I don’t really know… I found out I might be adopted four weeks ago.”

As I sat there chewing on my bottom lip and wishing that I hadn’t used redbull instead of water in the coffee pot that morning, I waited for him to tell me his prognosis. Was I going to die? Was I going to go bald? Oh my God… was I going to get fat? Hot doc smiled warmly at me, and gently said, “Amy, I think you may be burning the candle at both ends. I will do the blood test, but I think we both know that the issue isn’t your thyroid.”

WHAT? If I couldn’t blame my thyroid what exactly was I supposed to blame? President Bush? And that’s when it dawned on me—life can only go so fast for so long, before you need to put your hands on your knees and just catch your breath for a second. Yes, I can work two different jobs while I juggle mommy-ing and school. Yes, I can write a paper while I brush my teeth. Yes, I can go four months in between a haircut using the excuse (with the punctuated eye roll for effect), “Growing your hair out is such a bitch.” But the truth of the matter is, the stress of life ALWAYS has a way of catching up to you, and when it does it has the power to run you over like a steam engine.

So, my million dollar advice is to find an outlet— AND learn to find peace from within, if only for a moment or two. Whether it‘s running, shopping, spending time with friends, or a weekly gathering at Houlihans for a much needed martini. Life is too short to waste worrying—so don’t. Learn to laugh more. Spend a little extra for Aveda shampoo. And find time for the things in life that make YOU smile from within. And for those who are wondering: my hair stopped shedding the morning after I went to the doctor. Silly hair!
(And fyi: The sunglasses were DEFINITELY worth it!)

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